Aaron Wessling


Artist Statement

From May 2022 to August 2023, I made 68 trips up to Mount Tabor Park, one of Portland's most beloved public spaces, to work on a series of a studies. I rephotographed the same scenes repeatedly, restricting myself to a set composition. The edges of the frames remained the same, but the subjects inside- the light, the clouds, the flora, the passersby, the seasons- danced and swayed, blossomed and faded, continued to change in a myriad of ways.

The work is a study of place and of time, and of what we can uncover about the nature of both through close and prolonged observation. The photos in this series are selections from one of those studies, taken over the course of fourteen months from a vantage point on the west slope of the park.

Aaron Wessling | Portland, OR



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