Harley Cowan


Artist Statement

In a pursuit of both artistic and historical immersion, I embarked upon an extraordinary journey to Svalbard, where I sailed on a traditional tall ship as artist-in-residence. My odyssey begins with the deliberate choice of black and white, large-format film, a nod to the ageless elegance of the past and its meticulous craftsmanship.

Surrounded by the stark beauty of the High Arctic, I was not merely a spectator but an active participant in the narrative of exploration and preservation. In this harsh, untouched environment, I embraced shooting in its unforgiving conditions, drawing upon techniques of pioneering polar photographers Hurley and Ponting. I sought to encapsulate the raw beauty of rarely visited places, the relentless march of glaciers, and the silent whispers of historic sites echoing tales of those who came before.

As we navigated this frozen wonderland, my lens became a conduit for both discovery and connection. I turned my gaze towards the people who shared this journey and, through environmental portraiture, aimed to immortalize the human spirit entwined with that spirit of exploration-a testament to the indomitable will that propels us to the ends of the Earth.

And, in a literal fusion of art and adventure, I took the daring step of developing my film onboard, amplifying the connection between our voyage and the immutable art of film photography. The resulting images attest to the lasting power of analog processes and the ability of the medium to capture both the tangible and intangible.

My work strives to exceed the confines of mere visual representation. I aim to not only document but to imbue each image with a narrative depth that honors the historical significance of the places I capture. In this way, photography becomes a bridge between the past and present. I strive to evoke a sense of timelessness and connection, urging viewers to contemplate the fragility of our planet and the enduring spirit of those who dare to explore it.

Harley Cowan | Portland, OR



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