Back on View - Our Diversity is Our Strength at Blue Sky

Blue Sky is delighted to bring back select images from Our Diversity is Our Strength now on view in our Blue Sky Library. These images complement the larger exhibition taking place at Pro Photo Supply throughout March.
On March 26 at 2 PM, a Community Discussion with curators and project participants will take place at Blue Sky.
In its 3rd year, co-curated by Paige Stoyer and Jim Lommasson, Our Diversity is Our Strength celebrates the rich history of immigration and the role of photography in documenting and recording these experiences. In more ways than one, this subject matter is more relevant than ever. In the words of the curators, “The need has never been greater to tell people’s stories from our community to remind each other of the diversity which makes this country what it is. Racism and hatred can’t thrive when we are willing to really see each other and to recognize each other’s struggles and our shared humanity.”
Project partners include Pro Photo Supply, Regional Arts and Culture Council, Blue Sky Gallery, Polara Studio, Rhino Printing and NashCO.